What is Tantra and Sacred Sexuality?

Many people gravitate towards this realm of Tantra, because it welcomes every part of you in unity, including your sexuality. Sex and sexuality are hardly ever truly talked about and taught as something sacred. Sex is sacred because of its role in accessing peak experiences of love, oneness, wholesome expression, and healing. Humans have an innate need for peak experiences of bliss, merging, and ecstasy. We have a deep longing for the (re)union of sex and spirit, rather than trying to deny and withering our natural sexual impulses. When we access expanded states of consciousness through sex, we validate our intuitive sense that sex can be a revelatory, rejuvenating, and devotional experience.

Sacred is a kind of awareness, not a function of ego and the logical mind, but more of an intuitive or direct awareness of patterns running through everything around us. This is sometimes called synchronicity, or the Tao. And tantric love-making and practices turn on that part of the brain that perceives patterns. This is something I teach my clients about in depth, depending on their interests and aspirations.

Most people have been taught that the purpose of sex is only for procreation and pleasure. At Gemmasphere, Sacred Sexuality teaches how its purpose is for procreation, creation, acceptance, union and bonding, play, expression and liberation, and spiritual transcendence. There are more than 20 purposes for sex. The list can be endless.

Tantra is not a religion. At Gemmasphere, I personally approach Tantra as a form of reverence and transformation, through the senses and beyond. The Soulful Touch Method™ teaches you how to touch beyond touch, to make love without “making love,” so experiencing this can expand your horizons on what is possible. Tantra is an art that is practiced uniquely from person to person, from practitioner to practitioner. Nowadays, it is often called Neo-Tantra, just the same way that yoga has been adopted and practiced today in the Western hemisphere. Typically, there are three branches: Light Tantra, Great Tantra and Dark Tantra. Here at Gemmasphere, we take it further by blending it with other ancient practices and modern techniques, such as Taoist wisdom and behavioural neuroscience.

In Tantra, sex is acknowledged as the Origin of Life. It is indeed enlivening. The Tantric attitudes of slowing down, awakening all of the senses, tuning in to subtle energy, letting go of judgment and shame, expressing gratitude for the gift of life, and savouring the present moment are wonderfully supportive tools for intimate relating. Tantra is the science of transforming the ordinary into extraordinary, including the relationship you have with yourself. And that is the glory of Tantra.

Tantra teaches reverence, love, respect, gratitude for the body as greatest wonder of mysteries, then the your perception of reality follows. Yoga is the path of will; Tantra is the path of surrender. Surrendering beyond your fears, your tensions, your illusions, into relaxation and clarity.

We approach every aspect of who you are for tangible growth. If this resonates with you and you’d like to discover what is possible in your life and relationships, apply for a complimentary call by clicking here.