What is your biggest fear when having sex?

What creeps up in your mind and makes your heart and body tense up and close?

Is it fear of:

✖️Being your raw, authentic self
✖️The Unknown or not knowing
✖️Pain, physical or emotional
✖️Sexually transmitted infections
✖️Unplanned pregnancy
✖️Dealing with reproductive health or postpartum
✖️The possibility of your lover leaving you or not being committed to “something more”
✖️Not being enough (good enough, man/woman enough, sexual enough, fertile enough, orgasmic enough, lasting long enough, wet/hard enough), being too much or being “too good to be true”
✖️Cheating or being fake/dishonest
✖️“It” being over before it even begins
✖️Judgement, shame, guilt, hang-ups, past trauma, or being labelled
The list goes on.

These are a few forms of self-sabotage, of limiting paradigms, of lack of clarity or communication. These are signs you’re disconnected from who you are and your sexual energy. Being in this low-frequency state makes you hide deeper into your protective shell of anxiety or project false illusions that make the encounter untrustworthy.

And so instead of making love, you’re making fear.

Sex becomes about surface pleasure and entertainment/distraction rather than about a loving, profound connection and true surrender.

I coach my clients into navigating these intimate waters, to become educated in what is real and to be liberated into full creative, safe expression in and beyond the bedroom. Ask me how by applying and scheduling a complimentary clarity call here.

Will you dive all in? Or just dip your toe?

The number one thing a woman wants is to trust.
The number one thing a man wants is to be trusted.

Once you have this, you can let go together into bliss. 🌊